Make your Tax Deductible Donation to Clapping Hands Farm here!
Clapping Hands is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Clapping Hands must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
“I have been a huge fan of Clapping Hands since its inception because I witnessed the impact it had on the lives of children I referred, all of whom needed scholarships. The joy, creativity, and utter FUN they experienced was the highlight of their summers, but it was the physical and emotional safety they experienced in that empowering, loving and supportive environment that was the true impact. It was literally transformative in the lives of many of those children.”
– Jo Sanders, former director of the Family Violence Rape Crisis Center in Chatham County
GoFundMe 2025
Our 2025 GoFundMe will raise money for our camp scholarship program FIRST and then for other needs depending on how much money we are able to raise.
clapping hands farm is a values based community
Fundraising helps us live our values.
We value inclusion and access and the building of diverse community. Our scholarship program is a key ingredient in helping us manifest that.
In 2024 we are excited to return to a full schedule of summer camps and year round programs at our pre-pandemic numbers. We anticipate giving out more than $30,000 worth of scholarship help in 2024.
We value having working artists working as our lead teachers at camp. We value having a staff team that includes a range and depth of identities and life experiences so we can work as role models and mentors to our very diverse group of campers. We value access and inclusion for our staff for camp as well. At our previous levels of pay, there were talented people who could not afford to work for us. We have realized that in order to compensate our on the ground camp staff appropriately and to have enough planning/admin staff for that important work to be sustainable we need to increase our overall budget significantly.
our fiscal sponsor, fractured atlas
Clapping Hands is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Clapping Hands must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We LOVE our relationship with Fractured Atlas. They take a small % of each donation, but we feel we get so much in return.
tax deductible donations
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation by check, please make the check out to Fractured Atlas and send it to the Clapping Hands address: 3348 Alston Chapel Road, Pittsboro, NC 27312. You may also make a tax deductible donation with a debit card or credit card ONLINE at our donation page on the Fractured Atlas website.
donating with a donor advised fund
We can accept donor advised funds through our fiscal sponsor FRACTURED ATLAS. These checks can be sent DIRECTLY from your fund to the Fractured Atlas PO Box 55, Hartsdale NY 10530-0055. If you have a donor advised fund, please request that the gift be made to Fractured Atlas, with Clapping Hands as the gift designation. If your fund managers have any questions about fiscal sponsorship or Clapping Hand’s relationship with Fractured Atlas you can learn more at the Fractured Atlas website or reach out to us directly.
ways to donate if you don’t need a tax deduction
If a tax deduction is not important to you, you can donate directly to us and the scholarship program will get all or most of your donation if you do it this way.
- Donate on our GoFundMe site! GFM site donations have a small fee to cover credit card processing. There is a 2.9% standard processing fee plus $.30 for each donation, which we are happy to pay.
- Donate directly to us using Venmo @ClappingHandsFarm and no fees will apply on our end (please note that you can send funds for free through Venmo using a bank account, but they charge 3% to the sender for credit cards)
- Send a check to Clapping Hands Farm, 3348 Alston Chapel Road, Pittsboro, NC 27312. No fees!!
who we serve
Our scholarship program is available to any family who finds cost to be an obstacle to sending their children to camp. We want to work with children whose families can not afford camp. In addition, over the years we have partnered with agencies in the community including Hope Meadow, Hispanic Liason, Family Violence Rape Crisis, Child Protective Services, Chatham Together, Carolina Outreach and more. We welcome campers who are “at risk,” who have tough family situations, disabilities, or behavioral challenges. In turn, we hire LOTS of staff so that all of these campers have the one-on-one support they need in order to thrive and build solid relationships at camp.
no one turned away
Clapping Hands Farm has a No One Turned Away policy; we accept campers to our program regardless of their ability to pay. Each week between 1/3 and 1/2 of our campers need scholarships. Our scholarship program is central to who we are and we are grateful to all the individuals who make contributions large and small to support us in extending camp to everyone who wants to come.
how we raise money
We have three major fundraising projects:
- Each year we run a crowd funding campaign and our camp community helps to spread the word. Matching donors contribute additional money as we reach our goals. Another matching donor gives $10 for every person who donates, encouraging participation and giving even small donations a big impact.
- Throughout the year we have fundraising parties. A camp supporter hosts a party and invites their friends and people they think would want to support our work at Clapping Hands. People from camp show up to share their testimonies and talent and provide fun activities for children if appropriate.
- In 2025 we are launching a monthly donors program. This type of donation allows us to cover a steady portion of our year-round staff expenses through a group of supporters making a modest donation every month on a recurring basis.
major donors
In addition to our fundraising projects, we also have several major donors donating at $1000 and more. Our major donors often function as matching donors, giving an important boost of both energy and money to our three projects. Please contact us if you would like to become a major donor.
“I now work full time in the nonprofit world. Whenever I network with friends from other local agencies, if I mention having children who are involved with Clapping Hands Farm, the response is consistent gratitude. Friends who work with local housing insecure populations or with local domestic violence shelters light up with admiration as they tell me stories of how Clapping Hands Farm made sure children they’ve worked with were able to attend.”
– Chris Ash, parent, volunteer,